Saddle Bags For Bareback Saddle
This bag has been designed especially for the extremely popular bareback saddle. It is flat, and shaped so it “fits” into the saddle.
There is a “near side” bag and an “off side bag”. If you like to load your saddle bag while you are on the ground, and the saddle is already on the horse, a near side bag is good. However, if you are sitting on the horse, and you are right handed, an off side bag is the way to go.
To make it easier all around, a pair is an excellent idea, for your convenience, and for balance on the saddle. Colors black or brown, with Nickle buckles to match a black saddle, and brass to match an off-white sheepskin saddle.
Price $99 each
This bag has been designed especially for the extremely popular bareback saddle. It is flat, and shaped so it “fits” into the saddle.
There is a “near side” bag and an “off side bag”. If you like to load your saddle bag while you are on the ground, and the saddle is already on the horse, a near side bag is good. However, if you are sitting on the horse, and you are right handed, an off side bag is the way to go.
To make it easier all around, a pair is an excellent idea, for your convenience, and for balance on the saddle. Colors black or brown, with Nickle buckles to match a black saddle, and brass to match an off-white sheepskin saddle.
Price $99 each
This bag has been designed especially for the extremely popular bareback saddle. It is flat, and shaped so it “fits” into the saddle.
There is a “near side” bag and an “off side bag”. If you like to load your saddle bag while you are on the ground, and the saddle is already on the horse, a near side bag is good. However, if you are sitting on the horse, and you are right handed, an off side bag is the way to go.
To make it easier all around, a pair is an excellent idea, for your convenience, and for balance on the saddle. Colors black or brown, with Nickle buckles to match a black saddle, and brass to match an off-white sheepskin saddle.
Price $99 each