Center Fire Rigging near and off side securing straps


The center fire rigging system has two long straps (nylon is best, because it travels more easily) with a tackaberry buckle on the strap on the near side. This strap first passes through the back cinch ring, then down and through the top slot of the buckle, then back up to the main cinch ring, then down and through the bottom slot of the buckle.

The center fire system pulls down the back of the saddle as well as the front, while setting back the girth about 4 inches, which is necessary when saddling a mule, and sometimes a good idea when girthing a horse. When cinching, make sure the pull is equal on both cinch rings, manipulating the tension with left and right hand action. 

The off-side part of the system has the long nylon lacing that is first secured to the back cinch ring, then passes down through the buck buckle of the R/B Western-style girth, then goes back up to the main cinch ring, and back down to receive a tongue in an appropriate hole of the lacing. Once this is set for a particular animal, then it is left at that setting for convenience.

Colin Dangaard shows how to do a Tackaberry Center Fire Cinch in the video below.

Cost is $89 for the PAIR of straps, a complete SET for both sides..

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The center fire rigging system has two long straps (nylon is best, because it travels more easily) with a tackaberry buckle on the strap on the near side. This strap first passes through the back cinch ring, then down and through the top slot of the buckle, then back up to the main cinch ring, then down and through the bottom slot of the buckle.

The center fire system pulls down the back of the saddle as well as the front, while setting back the girth about 4 inches, which is necessary when saddling a mule, and sometimes a good idea when girthing a horse. When cinching, make sure the pull is equal on both cinch rings, manipulating the tension with left and right hand action. 

The off-side part of the system has the long nylon lacing that is first secured to the back cinch ring, then passes down through the buck buckle of the R/B Western-style girth, then goes back up to the main cinch ring, and back down to receive a tongue in an appropriate hole of the lacing. Once this is set for a particular animal, then it is left at that setting for convenience.

Colin Dangaard shows how to do a Tackaberry Center Fire Cinch in the video below.

Cost is $89 for the PAIR of straps, a complete SET for both sides..

The center fire rigging system has two long straps (nylon is best, because it travels more easily) with a tackaberry buckle on the strap on the near side. This strap first passes through the back cinch ring, then down and through the top slot of the buckle, then back up to the main cinch ring, then down and through the bottom slot of the buckle.

The center fire system pulls down the back of the saddle as well as the front, while setting back the girth about 4 inches, which is necessary when saddling a mule, and sometimes a good idea when girthing a horse. When cinching, make sure the pull is equal on both cinch rings, manipulating the tension with left and right hand action. 

The off-side part of the system has the long nylon lacing that is first secured to the back cinch ring, then passes down through the buck buckle of the R/B Western-style girth, then goes back up to the main cinch ring, and back down to receive a tongue in an appropriate hole of the lacing. Once this is set for a particular animal, then it is left at that setting for convenience.

Colin Dangaard shows how to do a Tackaberry Center Fire Cinch in the video below.

Cost is $89 for the PAIR of straps, a complete SET for both sides..

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